339 research outputs found

    Klasifikasi Ayat-ayat Hukum (Dari Segi Qath`i Dan Zhanni)

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    Qur'an from al-tsubut view is qath'i. Qath'i disavowal will bring theologies consequencies. However, from al-dalalah view, Qur'an verses are some qath'i and others zhanni. Qath'i al-dalalah is a permanence that point to particular meaning that not contain possibility to be ta'wil or far away from original meaning and there is no space or opportunity to understand besides it. At the same time zhanni al-dalalah is that still contain two or more probability

    Penggunaan Pupuk NP Cair dan NPK (15-15-15) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil dan Kualitas Buah Tomat Varietas Oval

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pupuk NP cair, dan dosis pupuk NPK (15-15-15) terhadap hasil dan mutubuah tomat varietas oval, pada lahan petani di Kabupaten Garut dengan ketinggian 650 m dpl. Rancangan yangdigunakan ialah petak terpisah dengan ulangan tiga kali. Sebagai petak utama adalah konsentrasi pupuk NP cair,kontrol 2,5 ml/l, dan 5,0 ml/l. Sub plot adalah dosis pupuk NPK (15-15-15), 200, 400, 600, 800, dan 1.000 kg/ha. Hasilmenunjukkan adanya efek interaksi antara NP cair dan pupuk majemuk NPK (15-15-15) pada to tal bobot buah, tinggitanaman, dan kekerasan buah waktu panen. Penggunaan pupuk NP cair 2,5 ml/l yang dikombinasikan dengan NPK(15-15-15) 1.000 kg/ha nyata menaikkan bobot buah dan adanya kecenderungan bahwa penggunaan NP cair yangtinggi diikuti pula penggunaan pupuk majemuk NPK (15-15-15) yang tinggi pula. Pada pupuk NP cair 2,5 ml/l yangdikombinasikan dengan NPK (15-15-15) 800 kg/ha nyata menaikkan kekerasan buah.Kata kunci : Lycopersicum esculentum; Pupuk NP; Pupuk cair; Dosis NPK (15-1-15); Hasil; Kualitas.AB STRACT. Subhan and N. Nurtika. 2004. Uti li za tion of liq uid NP and NPK (15-15-15) fer til iz ers on yield andqual ity of to mato fruit of oval va ri ety. A split plot de sign with three rep li ca tions was used to study ef fect of liq uid NPand NPK (15-15-15) fer til izer on yield and qual ity of to mato fruit of oval va ri ety, on farm ers land at 650 m asl in Garut.A mainplot fac tor con sisted of liq uid NP fer til izer consentrations: con trol, consentration of 2.5 ml/l and 5.0 ml/l. Sub -plot fac tor con sisted of dos ages of NPK (15-15-15) fer til izer 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1,000 kg/ha. Re sults in di catedthat there were in ter ac tion ef fects be tween liq uid NP fer til izer and NPK com pound fer til izer on to tal fruit weight plant,height, and fruit hard ness at har vest. Ap pli ca tion of liq uid NP fer til izer 2.5 ml/l com bined with NPK (15-15-15) 1,000kg/ha sig nif i cantly in creased fruit weight and there was strong ten dency that the higher the liq uid NP consentrationsused the higher the NPK com pound used too. Fruit hard ness was sig nif i cantly in creased by treat ment of liq uid NP fer -til izer 2.5 ml/l com bined with NPK (15-15-15) 800 kg/ha

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Korban Bencana pada Badan Penanggulangan Bencana (BPBD) Kota Ternate

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    Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kota Ternate merupakan sebuah Lembaga Pemerintah yang mempunyai tugas untuk membantu mengkoordinasikan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan penanganan bencana dan kedaruratan secara terpadu, Saat ini BPBD dalam melaksanakan proses pendataan korban bencana masih lambat yang disebabkan karena masih memprosesnya secara manual. Dalam melakukan proses pendataan di setiap posko pengungsi kemungkinan masih terjadinya kesulitan antara lain, perhitungan yang kurang akurat dan waktu yang cukup lama dalam pengolahan data. Tujuan Penelitian ini membuat sistem informasi pengolahan data korban bencana Pada BPBD Kota Ternate. Agar mempermudah admin mengelola data bencana pada BPBD Kota Ternate. Metode Pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, studi kepustakaan. Alat bantu rancangan menggunakan Flowchart, DFD, ERD dan bahasa pemrograman Borland Delphi 7, dengan adanya sistem ini dapat mempermudah admin dalam mengelola data bencana serta meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan pada BPBD Kota Ternat

    Pengaruh Tumpangsari Tomat Dan Kubis Terhadap Perkembangan Hama Dan Hasil

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil to tal tomat, kubis, serangan OPT, dan nilai kesetaraanlahan (NKL) dalam sistem tumpangsari tomat dan kubis. Tumpangsari yang dicoba adalah tomat monokultur, kubismonokultur, tumpangsari tomat + kubis, tumpangsari tomat + kubis + kubis + tomat, dan tumpangsari tomat + tomat +kubis + tomat + tomat. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok dan ulangan lima kali. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa tumpangsari antara tomat + tomat + kubis + tomat + tomat merupakan kombinasiterbaik dan dapat menekan populasi hama Plutella xylostella sebesar 97% dan Crocilodomia binotalis sebesar 76,2%.Secara kuantitatif produksi tomat maupun kubis yang ditanam sistem ganda (intercropping) lebih tinggi daripadaditanam secara tunggal. Sistem penanaman tomat dan kubis secara tumpangsari memberikan keuntungan karena nilaidari NKL > 1, keuntungan tertinggi diperoleh dari sistem tumpangsari tomat + kubis + kubis + tomat sebesar Rp44.420.000,-/ha.Ef fect of intercropping be tween to mato and cab -bage to pests de vel op ment and yield. The ob jec tives were to eval u ate the to tal yield of to mato, cab bage, and landequiv a lent ra tio in to mato and cab bage intercropping sys tem. Treat ments con sisted of mono cul ture of to mato and cab -bage; intercropping of to mato + cab bage; to mato + cab bage + cab bage + to mato; and to mato + to mato + cab bage + to -mato + to mato. Ran dom ized block de sign with five rep li ca tions was used. The re sult in di cated that intercroppingsys tem of to mato + to mato + cab bage + to mato + to mato was the best com bi na tion to re duce pop u la tion of Plutellaxylostella (97%) and Crocilodomia binotalis (76.2%). Quan ti ta tively, the pro duc tion of to mato and cab bageintercropping sys tem was higher than mono cul ture sys tem. Intercropping sys tem of to mato + cab bage + cab bage +to mato gave the high est profit about Rp. 44.420.000,- per hect are

    Kedudukan Dan Fungsi Masjid Agung Terhadap Alun-alun Kota Malang

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    Identical to any inland cities in Java, Kota Malang also possesses an alun-alun in its downtown, completed with a Jami\u27 Mosque on the west side. This composition clearly shows some features of capital city\u27s typology in Java. Beside the similarity, some differences from the typology are also found in Alun-Alun Malang. The composition of Alun-Alun Kota Malang doesn\u27t put the square as the main orientation of pendopo as the center of the government. Furthermore, the position and function of Jami\u27 Mosque are dynamically follows the existence of Alun-alun Kota Malang which grows simultaneously with the city development. Thus research about the positional and functional relationships between the Jami\u27 Mosque and the Alun-Alun needs to be held. A phenomenological approach is used for this research. Primary data is collected through interview with the users, analysts and observers of Alun-Alun in order to grasp an idea of their assumptions about the mosque\u27s function. Meanwhile, the secondary data is attempted to obtain historical data of Alun-alun Kota Malang, including the establishment and the expansions of Jami\u27 Mosque, especially when it became Grand Mosque of Kota Malang. The data were compared with the phenomenon which occurs at the moment, the desires and the needs of the user community, as well as the sustainability of function and position the mosque as the identity of alun-alun. The findings of this research are the functions of the Grand Mosque are closely related to the phenomenon of the Alun-Alun\u27s development

    Peningkatan Efisiensi Pemupukan NPK dengan Memanfaatkan Bahan Organik terhadap Hasil Tomat

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Cisurupan Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat pada tipe tanah andosol (1.100 m dpl.) pada bulan Juni-Nopember 2002. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pupuk organik dan dosis NPK baik terhadap pertumbuhan maupun hasil tanaman tomat. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan ulangan empat kali. Perlakuan terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor pertama jenis pupuk NPK dan faktor kedua jenis bahan organik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara jenis pupuk NPK dan pupuk organik. Penambahan pupuk NPK (50 kg N, 75 kg P2O5, dan 75 kg K2O per hektar) dapat meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, dan bobot buah total per petak. Jenis pupuk NPK yang paling efisien terhadap hasil buah tanaman tomat varietas artaloka adalah 50 kg N, 75 kg P2O5, dan 75 kg K2O per hektar. Increasing NPK fertilizer efficiency through organic material utilization on yield of tomato. The experiment was conducted at Cisurupan Village, Garut, West Java on andosol soil type (1,100 m asl) from June to November 2002. The objective of the experiment were to study the influence of organic fertilizer and kind of NPK application on the growth and yield of tomato. Factorial formula of randomized block design with four replicates was used. Treatments consisted of first factor of NPK fertilizer and second factor was kinds of manure. In fact the results indicated that there was no interaction effect between application of organic fertilizers and NPK fertilizer on both of the growth and yield of tomato. The NPK (50 kg N, 75 kg P2O5, and 75 kg K2O) fertilizer was able to increase plant height, stem diameter, and total fruit weight per plot. The most efficient NPK fertilizer formulas on artaloka tomato yield per plant and total weight was 50 kg N, 75 kg P2O5, and 75 kg K2O per hectare

    Respons Tanaman Tomat terhadap Penggunaan Pupuk Majemuk NPK 15-15-15 pada Tanah Latosol pada Musim Kemarau

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    . Percobaan bertujuan mendapatkan dosis pupuk majemuk NPK 15-15-15 yang optimal untuk pertumbuhandan hasil, serapan N, P, dan K pada tanaman tomat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanah Latosol milik petani di DesaSukaresik (700 m dpl), Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat pada bulan Mei sampai November 2005. Perlakuan pupukmajemuk NPK 15-15-15 dosis 0, 250, 500, 750, 1.000, dan 1.250 kg/ha disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompokdengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk majemuk NPK 15-15-15 dosis 1.000 kg/hamemberi pengaruh terbaik terhadap tinggi tanaman, serapan N, P, dan K, bobot basah dan kering tanaman serta hasilbuah tomat. Kebutuhan pupuk untuk tanaman tomat pada tanah Latosol di Sumedang adalah 213,07 kg N/ha, 28,51kg P/ha, dan 35,69 kg K2O/ha

    The Pedagogy of Teaching English to Young Learners: Implications for Teacher Education

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    EYL (English for Young Learners) is a global phenomenon, and yet research is laden with reports suggesting teachers' difficulty in developing appropriate EYL pedagogy (e.g. Butler, 2015; Copland, Garton & Burns 2014; Emery, 2012; Garton, Copland & Burns, 2011; Le & Do, 2012; Zein, 2015, 2016a, 2016b). This chapter reports on a study that investigated the perspectives of twenty-six (26) teachers on the appropriate pedagogy needed to teach in the EYL classroom. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The findings demonstrate that in the EYL classroom larger emphasis needs to be given to the young learners rather than the language. The findings show that developing a child-friendly pedagogy in the EYL classroom is of vital importance; it is at the core of EYL pedagogy. This brings implications for TESOL teacher education at pre-service and in-service levels in the sense that TESOL teacher educators need to design courses aimed to foster child-friendly pedagogy. The chapter specifically argues for TESOL teacher education to make stronger emphasis on child individual differences (IDs). This is necessary in order to equip teachers with appropriate working knowledge in second language acquisition (SLA) that is prerequisite to the development of EYL teaching expertise
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